Dr. D. Francisco Rodríguez Pulido
Psiquiatra. Profesor Titular de Psiquiatría de la ULL. Director del Plan Insular de Rehabilitación Psicosocial de Tenerife (CIRPAC).
Professor of Psychiatry of the ULL. Director of the PIRP of Tenerife (CIRPAC). Founder of the Assertive Community Team of the SCS in Tenerife. Doctor of medicine and surgery. Diploma in health, Member of the board editor of the northern magazine of mental health.
Doctor of Medicine. Specialist in Psychiatry. Diploma in Health.Master in Management and Planning of Health and Social Systems.
Professor of Psychiatry University of La Laguna. Canary Island .
Director of the Insular Psychosocial Rehabilitation Plan (PIRP) for people with disabilities due to severe mental disorder. Directorate of Health Area Tenerife. Canary Health Service (SCS).
Responsible for the SCS Assertive Community Teams for the home care of people with Serious Mental Disorder (2005-2012).
Member Comité Científico Jornadas Aviles Assertive Community Teams
Member of the National Board of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry (AEN).
President of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation section (AEN)
Member of the Advisory Council of the Schizophrenia Courses of Fundation Investigation and Tratament Psychosis y IPS Madrid.
Impulsor modelo IPS employment Serious Mental Disorder and Simpromi.
Founding member of the Canarian Association of Creative Therapies.
He has published numerous scientific articles, his last two books being 'the recovery of people with disabilities with serious mental disorders: network model of networks' and 'the autonomy for the rapid insertion in the ordinary employment of people with severe mental disorder'.